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Friday, May 17, 2013

ek din

छोटी सी खुशियाँ
कई दिन मेरे दर पे खड़ी रहतीं हैं
कभी आवाज़ देकर मुझे बुलाना पड़ता है
तो कभी मैं उनकी राह तकते वहीँ सो जाती हूँ

कभी हिचकिचाते हुए मेरे पहलू में आकर बैठ जातीं हैं
कभी कूदकर मुझे गले लगा लेती हैं
लेकिन जभी भी हाथ थामने को आगे बढ़तीं हूँ
जाने क्यूँ मुझसे शर्मा जातीं हैं ...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

the gift

In the early evening hour I'm sorry to reveal
If you look for me, I won't be found willingly
I won't be at my station toiling a long day
I won't be at the store carting stuff away
I won't be in my kitchen devising a new recipe
I won't be found reading or relaxing merrily

But those that know, know where to look
No distant land, nor comfy nook
It's where Mira and Moxie follow my feet
As I plant and feed and water and weed
As I nurture this patch, each visit a gift
The deepest of calm, such joy! I'm adrift
And if you call to me I will not come
Words, distractions, temptations I shun
I will not rob this hour and the bond
That keeps me rooted for hours and beyond

For gardening is among myriad gifts she gave
Finding a flow in those memories I save
I followed in her feet as she tended the garden
Recharged her energies each day in her haven
Taught me much about how to savor this life  
Make a garden, nurture beauty, relish the tiniest delight!