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almost gone

Friday, April 24, 2015


how did it come to be?
just walking a day at a time
i wasn't looking, i didn't heed i didn't need, it wasn't mine nothing big, nor grand
some laughs we shared
and a sense of life
a humor we found
in life's gifts and tears
yet nothing profound
a daisy on a hillside
snatched my breath,
froze my tracks
precious in a mad rush life your heartfelt words
for my silly verse
your worry for my fears
your open heart
mostly it happened unbeknownst to me
yet now it's here - to stay
a friendship of rarity
just so it blossoms
succor for the daily trail
but tis' the little stuff they say is what comes to count... 

a forever ago...and now!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I am but aged skin
Eyes reddened with all I've seen
Nails blunted from walls I've scaled
Hair that flailed in many winds
Journeys that were so long and hard
Sometimes unable to take one more step
Spat out with waters soaked in my blood
With room to breathe but I can only sigh
Forks & betrayals so many I couldn't recall
Tears are water, don't wash off blood
My collections of roses and thorns and mud
I fell and crawled and stood up again
Rode aspiration horses of broken legs
Uprooted from land that was mine, familiar
My heart sent off to a permanent exile
So yes I don't know how to cry
Now I smile, and laugh but it ends in ache
Such stories you couldn't imagine in dreams
My accounts could save you some wounds 
Won't you sit a while, listen to me?

April 7th 2015