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almost gone

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


A few new curves that life did throw we caught with some aplomb
Who really knows what the future holds but we'll keep walking on
Sometimes we'll stumble sometimes we'll fall
Sometimes so bruised and burnt
I'll keep your hand in mine, mine tight with yours
For all the years that tread lines in us
we hum as one in this long chorus!

Our stories have been many we've never tired never told
How I tell them is mine to keep
Yours may come out different even set to the same tune
I hear yours and they rhyme with mine
Tales flow like eternal songs

They are ours yet have been here forever
That's how we know they ring true because they echo
All those who've loved like us, lived with gratitude 
Their panache and passion left footprints we've seen.

So let's grieve and let the tears come if they must

Let me be here for a while, I'll sit by you
You by me and let it pass...

Monday, October 7, 2013


Oct 1st 2013: Anurag's Dad passed away

Oct 3rd

Mira: ....[talking incessantly about her beloved Dadaji's passing this morning] ...hmmm...what happens when we die, Mommy?
[Context: We are not religious -- actually we are atheists -- and so we don't have explanations about God and heaven that we can offer... did wonder this morning if that would be easier, actually]

Me: Well life just ends!  Actually the world ends -- for the person who dies. There is no more world. There is a saying "ashes to ashes, dust to dust" so the body just disintegrates and disappears and becomes part of the dust, and earth and the universe again which, is where we come from, are part of anyway.

Mira: Oh! So Dadaji is now in the rain, in the stars...

Me: ... in everything.  Yes - exactly, ...we come from that and go back to that...we are a part of the Universe.


[While I am driving Mira to school]
Mira: That means we are breathing dead people too! EWWWW...
