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almost gone

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

getting here

sometimes that oldness comes over me
these trusty bones lay bare the journey
this skin, these eyes, this body my sages
even if this mind with its hubris can't see

it's not that we feel any older
this mind chases on its own dimension
the heart of course marches as it will
the feral creature demands attention

yet this realization that it's different
nothing like i thought i'd feel
nor anything i imagined "they" felt
those who i've viewed from my youth

yet i love the fight that's here
keeping this edifice moving, alive
keeping this curiosity lit
this love for the next corner's surprise

reveling in all i have learned
letting go of the vanities in between
grateful for the demons i slayed
yet humility for those that stayed

a blessing for all that's been mine
carrying more goodbyes than hellos
acceptance for what is long gone,
signs that it's ok. let it go!

july 11, 2019