In the early evening hour I'm sorry to reveal
If you look for me, I won't be found willingly
I won't be at my station toiling a long day
I won't be at the store carting stuff away
I won't be in my kitchen devising a new recipe
I won't be found reading or relaxing merrily
But those that know, know where to look
No distant land, nor comfy nook
It's where Mira and Moxie follow my feet
As I plant and feed and water and weed
As I nurture this patch, each visit a gift
The deepest of calm, such joy! I'm adrift
And if you call to me I will not come
Words, distractions, temptations I shun
I will not rob this hour and the bond
That keeps me rooted for hours and beyond
For gardening is among myriad gifts she gave
Finding a flow in those memories I save
I followed in her feet as she tended the garden
Recharged her energies each day in her haven
Taught me much about how to savor this life
Make a garden, nurture beauty, relish the tiniest delight!

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