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Thursday, December 11, 2014

paper boats

torrents come rushing down
water gushing to meet this earth
a union thirsting for completion
as if we waited a thousand births

the wind blows in fierce approval
the trees they sway in drunken trance
i watch with wonder and expectation
she calls me out to join the dance

the grass is soaking a deep green
flowers nod, let the showers pelt
new leaves peep out, eager to unfurl
storms won't make their ardor melt

the streets i know stay brave and calm
rivulets running in hurried streams
reminiscing the paper boats of my youth
so many i launched - technicolor dreams

paper they were yet they're entrenched
in my memory castle of all such hopes
the paper melted, the colors ran
yet painted the water a bright rainbow

the rain has come, the winds we fear
the storm they say is bearing near
yet my heart sings from what I know
a happy childhood of hopes and boats...

Dec 11th, 2014
One stormy rainy day in December...