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almost gone

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


my butterfly's flown
spread her wings and she's gone
no longer daily setting
of my life's routine


she steps across the threshold before her
expectation, life unfolding anew
steps tentative yet carried on wings
a smile tremulous yet bold with ownership

her words soft and expectant of acknowledgment
she sees him watching her awkward hesitation
he holds her hand, steadies her gait
her adorned feet land, flattening the hill of rice

her dreams adorn this courtyard empty
rainbows glow even in dirty puddles
she vows to make this house her home
already she sees where her touch will shine

as she undoes her ornaments, heaviness of silks
finds herself breathless from the newness of it all
tomorrow will be the start of a new life
new words in her vocabulary...husband and wife

it will be a home of love, happiness will reign
he will see my magic touch, how the fates bow to me
so many dreams! she checks herself
please, just this one day, lets herself go

for tomorrow who knows what she'll awake to
she could be his queen, his partner or no one at all
her happiness captive even in ceremonious rebirth
she hasn't forgotten her chains have only changed hands

completing this poem 8 years later...
nov 13 2011 -- jan 22 2020