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almost gone

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


long are my losses
and so many departures
broken notions of debts
unpaid or never taken

burdens you brought and
left at my door
i took them in and carried
what was not mine to bear

yet you seemed to lose
the words you owed to me
even if actions never acted
i could dream for a while

the years just flew
became mere vapors to hold
where i should have left a wall
i now find the deepest voids

so i'll walk along
try not to look over anymore
for i have been loved so long
even the deepest ones will fill

september 27 2016

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


look for your chance
don't say no when she knocks
happiness comes a few times
to our door and holds out her hand
if the voices hold you back
they speak for themselves, for others, for those who crush in the name of peace
never you, never one who stands and says "i matter"
never a dignity you seek, never that which will have us blossom
so turn a deaf ear, grab her hand, walk away
for this life has no grace, no love, no joy
you've done what you could
walk away now and grab that happiness
it's yours, rightfully yours and only yours
but you'll have to stand up, take it, be seen with it
no shame in that except for the voices
shut them out and step out into the sunlight...

Reena Kapoor
June 30th 2011
Wrote this for a friend who deserves better -- and simply needs to give herself permission for it...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


People move on, 
Idle curiosities die
Words wash away, 
Promises vaporize to fly

Truths hold their breath, 
as trusts come up blank
I let it all dissolve to dust
Just the times must've changed 

Sept 2016